Luminex Aries M1


Most molecular diagnostic laboratories use a range of aging equipment and are looking to next generation systems to consolidate their testing into fewer platforms. There is a premium placed on space and efficiency, and each device must earn its place in the laboratory. Luminex’s goal was to develop an instrument that simplified the laboratory’s workflow and provided a premium user experience. Our challenge was to address these requirements by fusing multiple technologies into a next generation standalone device. I was tasked by M3 to implement a bold new form to highlight the system’s advantages and represent the Luminex brand.

As a team we created an internal architecture that was a significant departure from Luminex’s original product vision but delivered several important benefits. Orienting the internal components vertically reduced the device to its minimum possible footprint, while providing a natural landing for its large touch-screen interface. The sample-magazine touch points are cleverly designed to slide effortlessly into either the upper or lower chamber, managing the ergonomic challenges of having different bay heights. Introducing a dramatic form and color scheme that highlight the ARIES® System’s functional and visual advantages, make the system more recognizable in the lab environment.

Along with M3 and my own product development expertise, starting with concept sketches and finishing with an engineered production-ready design, accelerated a highly conceptual vision into reality in record time. I approached with a holistic solutions that were greater than the sum of their parts, resulting in the state-of-the-art Luminex ARIES® System. With a combination of advanced new technology and complete process integration,  Luminex CEO Patrick Balthrop was able to confidently cite the ARIES® System as a major growth catalyst that will position Luminex for continued long-term growth.

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